Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thank You

Profound. Brilliant. Intelligent.

This is the best description of all the people I have been meeting the last few days at Regent Orientation. My fellow classmates, many I still have not met, or had a chance to say hello has indeed intimidated my journey to what God has called me to. 

Because I am neither profound, or brilliant, or intelligent. (I'm not being humble, I am just not)

So given this slight intimidation, I pushed God if this was really his plan for me to come to this place only to watch me fall. 

Yet somehow, today during our communion service I had this overwhelming sense that this is where I should be. That in the seer 'out of placeness' and the lack of insight that I prophase in any context, God reminded nothing more to worry about but to look toward his love on the cross. I found myself choking back tears as I took the bread and the cup. I began to pray and found myself  only to pray these words that became this beautiful mantra:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

"If the only prayer you say in your whole life is 'Thank You', that would suffice."
 - 14th century Christian Mystic Johannes 'Meister' Eckhart

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