10 Billion Things
It has been awhile since I have last written on this blog, but tonight, something draws me back here to restart all things again.
What has happened to me:
These past months have torn me down, built me back up and torn me back down again. It seems I have lost everything, and at the same time gain everything. (You must think I'm on some kind of anti-depressant...not quite yet...maybe in a few years)
I'll shall begin with what happened today. As today is my second to last day of work, my colleagues treated me to a farewell lunch along with cake back at the office. All is good with that until I was talking to one who mentioned about how I'm giving up so much to go to Regent College. Giving up a good job, and a good income to pursue this unforeseeable future. It is one of these nameless moments that I find myself sort of lost in identity, lost in security, lost in independence.
I'm looking at this quote I wrote on my board just this past weekend. It says, "If Jesus is not the one, we should not follow him. But if he is the one, we should follow him at all cost."
I find such an eerie irony at this, given when I wrote this, Wing made a comment about how "captain obvious" it was for this truth. But right now I'm reading it, over and over again flipping it over and over in my mind. Do I believe Jesus is the one? Do I believe it?
But I've experienced him...I don't think I have a choice
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